Other findings we discuss include: how a large amount of the respondents affirmed they have been formally unemployed for a long period of time the relative importance of the pay they receive to their financial subsistence and how Brazilian turkers cannot receive their pay directly into their bank accounts due to Amazon restrictions, making them resort to creative circumventions of the system. In line with previous studies of turkers in the USA and India, AMT offers poor working conditions for Brazilian turkers. We begin by offering a demographic overview of the Brazilian turkers and their relation with work in general. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 45(2): 347367.Digital labor, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Global South, platform, digital capitalism ResumoContributing to research on digital platform labor in the Global South, this research surveyed 149 Brazilian workers in the Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) platform. O autor desenvolveu suas pesquisas de maneira interdisciplinar, com a sociologia do direito e a filosofia, percebendo a perspectiva hist&243 rica de constru&231 &227 o do direito, em sua origem social e pol&237 tica, para ent&227 o conceber o direito esportivo como uma faceta do direito ao esporte.'Land yes, dam no' Justice-seeking strategies by the anti-dam movement in the Ribeira Valley, Brazil. Untamed Amazon is a pioneer in the Amazon in the use of solar energy to supply 100 of.Professor Titular na Universidade de São PauloConstitui&231 &227 o e Esporte no Brasil trata do instituto da autonomia esportiva e seu controle por parte do Estado.

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